Projeto Portal foi uma revista de contos de ficção científica com periodicidade semestral, editada no sistema de cooperativa durante os anos de 2008 e 2010. A pequena tiragem — duzentos exemplares de cada número — foi distribuída entre acadêmicos, jornalistas e formadores de opinião. Seis números (de papel e tinta, não online). O título de cada revista homenageou uma obra célebre do gênero: Portal Solaris, Portal Neuromancer, Portal Stalker, Portal Fundação, Portal 2001 e Portal Fahrenheit.

Idealização: Nelson de Oliveira | Projeto gráfico e diagramação: Teo Adorno
Revisão: Mirtes Leal e Ivan Hegenberg | Impressão: LGE Editora

terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010

Pós-humanismo, por Michael Paukner

O designer austríaco Michael Paukner publica usas ilustrações "infográficas" no flickr, inspiradas por fatos científicos, ocultismo, pseudo-ciência, misticismo, etc.

Abaixo "copiei/colei" seu texto sobre o Pós-humanismo que subsidia a imagem deste post.


The Future of The Human Species

Transhumanism is defined as "the intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally improving the human condition through applied reason, especially by using technology to eliminate aging and greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities" - Nick Bostrum, 1999. A posthuman would no longer be a human being, having been so significantly altered as to no longer represent the human species. Underlying this worldview is a core belief that the human species in its current form does not represent the end of our development, but rather its beginning - Nick Bostrum, 1999. Transhumans, short for "transitional humans," are "the earliest manifestation of new evolutionary beings, on their way to becoming posthumans" - FM-2030. Transhumanism is sometimes seen as a form of transformational activism influenced by posthumanist ideals.

Transhumanism (symbolized by H+ or h+ (humanity plus)) is an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science & technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities. The term was first used in 1957, however its contemporary meaning is a product of futurists in the 1980s. It is often used as a synonym for "human enhancement." The movement regards certain limitations of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, unchosen psychology, disease, aging, confinement to planet earth and involuntary death as undesirable and unnecessary. Transhumanists look to biotechnologies and other emerging technologies for solutions to these perceived problems. Dangers, as well as benefits, are of concern to the transhumanist movement.


read more about Posthumanism:

You also should know about the Singularity of genius Ray Kurzweil! In this video ( he tells us about his vision of the Singularity — a point around 2045 when computers will acquire full-blown artificial intelligence and technology will infuse itself with biology. His theories have all sorts of supporters, detractors, and critics, but do you even remember what life was like before three-year-olds had cell phones and you actually had to remember facts instead of relying on the internet? That was only 10 years ago. If Kurzweil is right, we'll have supercomputers more powerful than every human brain on the planet combined within a few decades."

Você pode encontrar mais sobre Ray Kurzweil (abril) na edição 193 (out/2010) da revista Trip, cujo tema era o Futuro.